Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Huber Breaker is located in Ashley, PA. Built in the 1930s, the facility closed in the 1970s after passing through various corporate hands.

I had a chance to photograph the breaker over the past year and a half. The video is composed of some of the photos I took at the time.

The video is a photographic essay of the breaker and surrounding land. It is not a documentary. An original musical score, composed by Douglas Lawrence, accompanies this essay and helps give it life.

The facility is composed of multiple buildings, all of which have been damaged through vandalism, time and the weather. To some, the site may be an ugly reminder of a once vibrant plant. But while damaged, the buildings are still beautiful. Light and shadows play across their surfaces while metal towers carve spaces in the sky. Rust becomes a beautiful patina while the morning sun turns broken windows into flowing rivers of glass. And as you walk through the site, the buildings still impress, but so too do the smaller components...the green and white lights, the pipes and the machines that tie the facility together.

It is also a very quiet site...with the exception of pieces of metal that move and clash in time with the wind. But if you stop for a moment, you can still see and least in your mind's eye...the sights and sounds of the plant when it was operational....and the thousands of people who gave it life.

(c) MMM 2010

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